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What ports does Starlink block?

IP Version Protocol Port Direction of Blocking Common Port Use
IPv4 and IPv6 TCP and UDP 0 Both Outbound and Inbound Reserved
IPv4 and IPv6 UDP 17 Inbound Quote of the Day (QOTD)
IPv4 and IPv6 UDP 19 Inbound Character Generator Protocol (CHARDEN)
IPv4 and IPv6 TCP and UDP 25 Outbound SMTP
IPv4 UDP 67 Both Outbound and Inbound DHCP
IPv4 and IPv6 TCP and UDP 135 to 139 Both Outbound and Inbound NetBios
IPv4 TCP 445 Outbound SMB
IPv4 UDP 520 Inbound RIP
IPv6 UDP 546 to 547 Both Outbound and Inbound DHCPv6
IPv4 and IPv6 UDP 1900 Inbound SSDP
IPv4 and IPv6 UDP 11211 Inbound Memcached

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