Starlink is authorized for use over international waters around the globe. Coverage over local territorial waters and in motion over land is contingent on government approval. Starlink has received regulatory approval to provide in-motion Aviation service in the following countries/territories:
Albania | Kenya |
American Samoa | Latvia |
Antarctica | Liberia |
Argentina | Luxembourg |
Australia | Macedonia |
Austria | Madagascar |
Bahamas | Malawi |
Bahrain | Malaysia |
Barbados | Maldives |
Belgium | Malta |
Bouvet Island | Martinique |
Brazil | Mayotte |
Bulgaria | Mexico |
Canada | Micronesia |
Cape Verde | Moldova |
Cayman Islands | Monaco |
Chile | Mongolia |
Christmas Island | Mozambique |
Cocos [Keeling] Islands | Netherlands |
Colombia | New Zealand |
Cook Islands | Norfolk Island |
Costa Rica | Northern Mariana Islands |
Croatia | Norway |
Curaçao | Panama |
Cyprus | Paraguay |
Czech Republic | Philippines |
Denmark | Pitcairn Islands |
Dominica | Poland |
Dominican Republic | Portugal |
El Salvador | Puerto Rico |
Estonia | Qatar |
Eswatini | Reunion |
Finland | Romania |
France | Rwanda |
French Guiana | Saint Barthelemy |
Germany | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Ghana | Saint Lucia |
Guadeloupe | Saint Martin |
Guam | Saint Pierre and Miquelon |
Guatemala | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Haiti | Sierra Leone |
Heard Island and McDonald Islands | Slovakia |
Honduras | Slovenia |
Hungary | Sweden |
Iceland | Switzerland |
Indonesia | Timor-Leste |
Ireland | Trinidad and Tobago |
Isle of Man | U.S. Virgin Islands |
Italy | Ukraine |
Jamaica | United Kingdom |
Jersey | United States |
Jordan | Uruguay |
Yemen | |
Zambia |
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