When a new terminal or router service bulletin is created, Starlink will send aviation customers an email containing the service bulletin PDF. In the Starlink dashboard, customers are able to view and apply service bulletins and review the Software Change Log for their devices.
There are two options for how an account receives and applies service bulletins:
The "Aviation Default" option will automatically email you and apply your service bulletins. "Aviation Default" is the best option to make sure we can maintain our excellent quality of service. Your service bulletin history and software change log will be available in the Starlink dashboard.
The "Aviation Manual" option will automatically email you of new service bulletins but will not apply them. If "Aviation Manual" is chosen, you will be responsible for applying Starlink service bulletins in the dashboard to make sure your Starlink software stays up to date. If your software is outdated, your performance will degrade significantly over time.
Once an option is chosen, the router and terminal configs for all aviation terminals and routers under the account will have to set this option as the "Software Group". This ensures that the devices assigned to this "Software Group" will be assigned to the software version of the latest approved service bulletin.
When a new service bulletin is applied, software will be rolled out to terminals and routers incrementally over the next few days and devices will reboot themselves when they 1) have the software downloaded and 2) are stationary.
If you are an aviation customer and you are not seeing the Service Bulletins and Software Change log on your Starlink.com dashboard, please submit a support ticket on Starlink.com to get further assistance.
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