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Flights Dashboard for Aviation

The flights dashboard will allow you to view per flight metrics across your fleet in real-time.

What Metrics are Available?

  • Flight start and end time - speed is used to detect if an aircraft is "In Flight"
  • Latency - the average ping latency from a Starlink terminal to a Starlink point of presence (PoP) during a flight
  • Outage Count (15 seconds and 60 seconds) - the count of outages that were at least 15 (or 60) seconds during a flight
  • Packet Loss - the percentage of dropped packets from a Starlink terminal to a Starlink PoP, broken up into uplink and downlink
  • Throughput - the average throughput, broken up into uplink and downlink

Key Features:

  • Search by Tail Number
  • Filter by In Flight, Completed, or by Start Date Before
  • Sort by metrics
  • Download historical data
  • Automatic refresh every minute

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