You'll receive an email notification once your order is shipped. Please note that it may take up to 3 hours for order statuses to be updated. You can track your shipment anytime from your Starlink account.
Starlink App:
Note - You can also view this information on the details screen for each order, by clicking into the specific order.
After your order ships, you can manage the delivery of your order by contacting the designated delivery carrier. If you’ve received a notice that your billing cycle will begin soon and your Starlink Kit has been in transit for the past 30 days, rest assured that your 30-day trial period will be extended by an additional 30 days, and a one-month service credit will be applied to your account.
If you are waiting on your order to ship, you can view the estimated shipping timeline provided on your order details page. We will notify you if the estimated shipping timeline changes.
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