The Starlink Mini Car Adapter is designed to power your Starlink Mini on-the-go via USB-C, replacing the Mini 15m Power Cable and Mini Power Supply from the Starlink Mini Kit. The Mini Car Adapter can be used with any standard automotive 12-24V auxiliary power outlet, commonly referred to as the car cigarette lighter.
- The Starlink Mini Car Adapter with the provided USB-C cable should only be used with your Starlink Mini. This USB-C cable is specifically designed for powering your Starlink Mini and is not suitable for powering or charging USB-C devices like cellphones.
Water resistance:
- The barrel jack end of the cable forms a IP67 rated connection with the Starlink Mini kit, providing protection against water ingress. The USB-C end of the cable and Mini Car Adapter should not be exposed to outdoor environments.
Power Requirements:
- The Starlink Mini Car Adapter requires a 12-24V power source.
LED Status Light:
Mini Car Adapter
- Soft Blinking Indicates idle mode. The Mini Car Adapter is powered and ready to provide power to your device.
- Solid Indicates car charger is on and powering a device.
Mini USB-C Cable
- Red Light Your Mini Car Adapter is too hot. When the charger cools down, it will automatically recover and the red light will turn off.
- No Light When connected to a compatible power source. This is normal.