Starlink Community Gateways

Deliver fiber-like speeds from space to the most remote places on Earth.

Starting at $75,000/Gbps/month with a one-time upfront cost of $1,250,000.

Fastest Satellite Internet Speeds in the World


Up to 10 Gbps


Up to 10 Gbps


Less than 99 MS

With Community Gateways, Starlink satellites are able to deliver fiber-like speeds with local providers distributing connectivity to homes, businesses, and governments using last-mile fiber, fixed wireless and mobile wireless.

The Community Gateway traffic transits through Starlink's global laser mesh network and utilizes our high bandwidth Gateways operating in a dedicated Ka spectrum band.

All In One Gateway Kit

The Community Gateway Kit includes all required Starlink hardware for installation. Customers just need to provide space, power, and lifting equipment.

Our First Starlink Community Gateway

Our first Community Gateway on the remote island of Unalaska, Alaska is able to provide 10 gigabits of symmetric uplink and downlink throughput, enough to serve thousands of new customers while operating at over 99% uptime.


game changer

“The Community Gateway represents the beginning of something great for delivering gbps speeds to anywhere on the planet. Areas that never dreamed of having this capability will now be able to develop new ideas for making use of this technology. Where we are going we don’t need roads."

- Emmett Fitch, CEO of OptimERA xG

contact us

Learn how Starlink Gateways can provide connectivity for your community.

Starlink© 2023

Starlink is a division of SpaceX. Visit us at